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Canon Mac Youth

Soccer Association

Canon Mac Youth Soccer Association

Parent Code of Conduct

CMYSA Parent Code of Conduct Agreement

I/we will set a good example to our/my child in his soccer development by adhering at all times to the following:

With regard to my/our child:

  • We/I will remember that child participates in CMYSA to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
  • We/I will remember this in not the World Cup, this is recreational soccer and is about my child developing his/her skills and learning to love the game of soccer.
  • We/I will endeavor to be a positive role model for my child and his/her teammates.
  • We/I will only give positive feedback to players. We/I will leave the coaching to the coaches.
  • We/I will not ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for any reason.
  • We/I will cheer at all games within the spirit of fair play and shall do our best to cheer the effort regardless of the outcome.
  • We/I will insure our child attends practices within CMYSA guidelines and is prepared and on time for all games.
  • We/I will insure our child treats all coaches, referees, teammates and opposing players with respect at all times.
  • We/I will insure our child adheres to the CMYSA Player Code Of Conduct and understand that my child’s violation of the Player Code of Conduct can and will result in them being removed from a game and or suspended from future games or seasons within CMYSA.

With regard to opposing teams:

  • We/I will remember that the opposing team is our opponent and not our enemy.
    • We/I will be mindful in "lopsided" games where cheering our own "winning" team might be misunderstood.
    • We/II will not engage in altercations with our own coaching staff, parents, player, referees or opposing coaching staff, players or spectators.
    • We/I will attempt to be the “bigger person” and not respond to inappropriate behavior from opposing spectators, teams or coaches.

With regard to Referees:

  • We/I believe that Referees, just as coaches and players, are attempting to do their best and we/I will respect that.
  • We/I understand that my attitude can influence my child, their team  & other spectators.
  • We/I will display a controlled and undemonstrative attitude toward Referees at all times.
  • We/I will not yell at or address a Referee before, during or after the game .
  • If we/I have a complaint regarding a referee I will address it in writing to the CMYSA Referee Coordinator.
  • I/We will abide by the rules of the CMYSA Zero Tolerance Policy.

With regard to Coaches:

  • We/I understand that Coaches are volunteers and dedicate a lot of their time to my child and their teammates.  We/I understand that they are attempting to do their best and we/I will respect that.
  • If we/I have a complaint regarding a coach I will address it in writing to the CMYSA Sportsmanship &  Disciplinary Committee. I will not confront the coach directly or engage in spreading rumors.

With regard to CMYSA as an organization:

  • We/I understand that the members of the CMYSA Board are all parent volunteers and do their best to act in the interest of all of the children and parents in the league.
  • If we/ I have a complaint, criticism or suggestion, we/I will personally address it with a member of the CMYSA Board or at a CMYSA Board meeting.

I _______________________________________   agree to uphold the above and attached CMYSA Parent Code of Conduct.  I understand that if I violate or fail to adhere to the behaviors outlined in the documents, I and my child may be subject to suspension or removal from the CMYSA organization, in accordance with the procedure detailed in the Parent Code of Conduct document.


Canon Mac Youth Soccer Association

Email: [email protected]
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